Monday, May 27, 2013


So far,  Prague is wonderful. We have already seen and experienced so much! We have even gone on a "field trip" to a nearby smaller city as a class. I am really enjoying all of my classmates and professors! We arrived on Wednesday, explored the city and moved in to our apartment on Thursday, took a walking tour on Friday, had orientation Saturday, took a day trip to Kutna Hora yesterday, and had our first class today!

Prague day ^ and night views

I am living in a 3 bedroom 2 bath apartment with 5 other girls and we all get along really well. The place is nice and really big. There's no heating or air conditioning so we're a bit cold right now lol but it's been fine. We have a full living room and kitchen also in the apartment. We went to buy groceries yesterday so that we could eat a few meals in and save a little money, and it was an adventure to say the least! Getting groceries in the city is NOTHING like getting groceries where we're from lol - I learned that very quickly. Also, it's not easy to buy food when you have absolutely no idea what the label says. I got some sandwich stuff which I'm assuming is turkey (lol not too sure, but it tastes pretty good), some cereal, fruit, and some other snacks. The only good thing about the whole experience was how cheap it was! We got our groceries - which was a few bags full each (oh and you had to buy your bags!) and walked out to try and catch the trolly back to our apartment. We realized very quickly that the trolley wasn't gonna come soon enough, so we started just walking back and our bags started ripping! All in all we got back to the apartment with our groceries and I had a sandwich for lunch today. Needless to say, I will now forever appreciate buying groceries in bulk, loading 'em up in the back of the vehicle, and driving them home!

Prague is an extremely old city and one of the neatest things about it is it's history. It's been really fun(and interesting) to experience such a different culture. The people here are very to the point and keep to themselves. We've met a few sweet ones though! I've tried many new Czech dishes and my favorite was this goulash soup in a bread bowl! Y'all don't be surprised if I come home weighing in at 500 lol.

Yesterday we spent the day in Kutna Hora. It was a really beautiful little city. We went and saw the bone church there (if you have some time you should look it up) - it was really neat! It was a peaceful day just because it was kind of away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Our School is the University of New York in Prague. It is a very nice building in a great location. There are two Tech professors who came on this trip and they are both WONDERFUL. My professor is Dr. McDonald (pictured below). His wife Lois is on the trip and she is awesome also. I have really enjoyed getting to know them! Our first class today was actually pretty interesting we just went over the basics of marketing and got everyone refreshed on the subject.

Just a few random things - I am reading the perks of being a wallflower (Bo gave it to me for Christmas) and it is wonderful! I watched the movie on the plane and I really liked it a lot too. I am REALLY missing the sun - I need some warmth! I miss all of my friends and family so much, but I am SO happy to be here! I am surrounded by wonderful people and a wonderful city :)


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